Protecting from Fraud


Protecting from Fraud

As you know, technology has changed immensely in the last 15 years, even in the last five for that matter. As the way people use the Internet evolves, so does the way people misuse it. Unfortunately, there are people who will use technology to take advantage of aging seniors that may not be privy to fraud tactics.

While there are too many tactics to cover in one post, I wanted to provide a couple ways they target seniors so you can help care for your loved ones by keeping them educated.

Many times, their attempts come in the form of emails. Whether your friend or loved one has home health care or lives in an assisted living facility, they may have access to a computer to stay in touch with loved ones. They may have an email account, but are not comfortable with discernment between real and fake communications.

For example, someone could get their email address and reach out to them as an old friend in need of financial help. They can play on your loved ones emotions and then ask them for money. One way to care for your family member is to talk to them about this situation and alert them. Ask them to share with you or their nurse if they get any suspicious emails, so you can help them discern fake from real.

Another type of email that is becoming more common looks like it is from a bank or other financial institution. They look very real and ask for logins to online banking or account numbers. Unfortunately, the best rule of thumb is to call their bank to make sure the email is real.

Another type of email could be medical care-related. Unfortunately, someone can act like a nurse, home health company representative or staff at the therapy center. They could ask for your loved one’s social security number or other private information. Once again, the rule of thumb is to call the home health company, therapy location or nurse directly to ensure the authenticity of the communication regarding their care.

The last type of fraud to mention are phone calls from people claiming to be a home health representative or insurance provider regarding therapy or care. They use technology to get your loved one’s information to sound like they are from a legitimate health care source.

The best way to care for your loved one is to make sure they are informed about this type of fraud.