Senior Assistance Programs: You Earned it and You Deserve It!

There are so many assistance programs available that specialize in the needs of senior citizens. Many seniors have worked all of their lives and are now ready to sit back, relax, and worry less. There are many resources available through the federal, state and local agencies that will help meet the needs of a fixed budget. There are also programs that are offered by nonprofit organizations that can also provide much-needed assistance.

Maybe you are in a financial pickle or just need affordable healthcare options. There are many benefits programs available to low-income senior citizens such as medication programs, Medicare, financial help, free meals, and home care programs, like the ones available at The Nurses Guild. If you are looking for a job, the federal government has a program called the Senior Community Service Employment Program. If you are age 55 or older, you can sign up for this program. There will be a survey taken of your related skills and they will review your employment history. Your physical capacity will also be considered for job placement.

Several free meal sites have been organized around your state. These sites can be found through government agencies or a quick search on the internet. Not only will you have a meal, but you will also have a chance to meet new friends who live in your community. If you are homebound, there are programs available that will help deliver meals to your home.

If you are over the age of 60, you can also qualify for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. You will gain access to some groceries and commodities to help your food and money stretch. There are also some programs that now provide food for your pet as well.

Health insurance is also important. You can apply for Medicare or other programs provided by the government. If you are a senior and live on a fixed income, this will help to meet your health needs and pay your medical bills. Grants and vouchers are also made available for prescriptions and other plans. The Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program helps seniors understand their rights and explore options available to them.