Seniors with Depression Need Extra Care

senior depression

Depression affects people of all ages, and seniors are no exception. In fact, seniors may be particularly susceptible to depression due to feelings of isolation and losing loved ones.

Many things can cause depression, and one of the top items on that list is dealing with health issues, especially serious ones, according to Seniors are often fighting cancer, heart disease, stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, and more.

Adding to the complexity of helping seniors with depression, is that the symptoms of depression may be not be as clear for the senior community as they are with members of younger generations. This is because many of the common-known causes of depression are also stereotypical common traits of seniors, such as grumpiness, being tired, having memory issues, or being confused. But the truth is that depression is not a normal part of the aging process. However, the National Institute of Mental Health states that depression in people over the age of 65 has become a major public health issue.  Luckily, just like people in other age groups, depression among the elderly can be treated with therapy and medication.

When caring for seniors, there are particular signs of depression you can be on the lookout for. These include: feelings of hopelessness or severe negativity, decreased energy/fatigue, suicide thoughts or attempts, changes in appetite, feelings of sadness, changes in sleeping patterns, and loss of interest in activities or hobbies.

If you notice these symptoms in a senior in your care, there are things you can do to help. Initiate a conversation and listen to them speak. Encourage them to seek help. Reassure them that there is help available.

The professional staff at The Nurses Guild has extensive experience in these situations.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us how we can help you and your senior.