Yoga for Seniors

yoga for seniorsOne of the great things about yoga is that it is so adaptable to different populations with diverse physical abilities and needs. As a form of exercise, yoga has become all the rage in the last ten years. Though the popular image of yoga is of a young person twisted up like a pretzel, those who are older and less flexible can enjoy a yoga practice and potentially benefit from it even more then the youth. Seniors age 65 and older represent the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. population and—like many Americans—are increasingly drawn to yoga.

Studies have shown that yoga for seniors can be extremely helpful when it comes to combating stress, fatigue and pain. There are many different poses that target different trouble spots in the body. Some yoga poses increase core strength and balance, which reduces the risk of fall-related injuries. Learning some basic yoga poses can improve your overall quality of life and help seniors feel younger.

To get started, look for a beginning class taught by a certified yoga instructor. Good instructors will help you attain correct body positioning and encourage you to learn your body’s limits. In retirement, many seniors become more sedentary. However, retirement is the perfect time to pick up healthy habits like yoga that will promote longevity. Attending a regular yoga class will also establish a sense of community with teachers and fellow students.

Yoga is a form of exercise that adapts to your needs and abilities. Beginning a yoga practice as an older adult can be intimidating, especially if you’re out of shape or working with health conditions. Starting a gentle practice for beginners can be an excellent way to stay active and lower stress levels. It makes your body fitter as well as your mind calmer and more relaxed.

Yoga aims to quiet the mind as you exercise the body. Yoga for seniors can have a number of benefits, from healthy bones to flexibility to anxiety relief. Yoga has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention and control of common health and emotional problems that is linked with old age. It helps you in becoming more in touch with yourself and your body. This allows you to accept who you are which creates a positive approach in life.