Caring for a Terminally Ill Relative

Elderly couple by water

One of the greatest gifts you can give a terminally ill family member is the comfort of allowing them to live their final moments comfortably at home surrounded by individuals who genuinely love and care for them. After all, everyone feels more at peace when they’re in their own home, in their own beds, and are around familiar sights and sounds. Plus, when you’re confined to a hospital, it can lower your morale and cause severe depression. Being at home, however, provides the patient with comfort and peace. On the […] Read Full Article »

Tips for Overcoming Caregiver Burnout when Caring for a Senior in Your Home

Daughter caring for Mother

Caring for a loved one at home can be a blessing and also an overwhelming responsibility, especially if your senior is very ill and unable to take care of themselves. Dates out with your spouse or even a simple bath can be tasks that you have to meticulously plan for so that your senior is not left alone. All this responsibility can lead to feelings of “caregiver burnout.” When you have “caregiver burnout,” you experience physical, mental and spiritual exhaustion. You may also feel anxious, stressed, depressed, frustrated, have unrelenting […] Read Full Article »

Top 3 Reasons Why a Professional RN is the Best Support System After Family

Mother and Daughter

Whether the patient is living in their own home or in yours, when you become a caregiver to your elderly all family members are all affected, and adjustments have to be made. The priority is the care and safety of the patient and the reality is family members generally have “their own lives and responsibilities to take care of” which means the patient doesn’t always get first priority in the schedule. This is why hiring a professional RN to come in once, twice or three times a week to check […] Read Full Article »

5 Reasons Why Family Caregivers Need Space

Caregive with dog

The family caregiver is the one person in the family who volunteers to take care of an invalid family member, often to provide greater comfort to the patient at a lower cost compared to hospitalization. Unfortunately, this arrangement is far from ideal if the family caregiver has other commitments and little training in the care of an invalid staying at home. Some of the problems that may arise include: Lack of privacy for both patient and caregiver as there is no professional delineation and the line between relative and caregiver […] Read Full Article »

Enjoying the Holidays with Seniors and the Elderly

home healthcare

The holidays can be very hectic and oftentimes it is the children, the sick, disabled, and elderly who get neglected as we frantically try to do everything to make the holidays special for everyone. No one will argue about the holidays as being the time most anticipated by practically everyone with family and friends. However, why not try to make the holidays ever more memorable and special for those who don’t have family or who feel left out of the preparations? For family members living in your home who cannot […] Read Full Article »

Helping Families Face the Inevitable

home healthcare

Sadly, not all home care patients recover completely and many have to face major changes in their life like being bedridden, wholly or partially immobile, or have difficulty with other motor or bodily functions. Even more awkward, perhaps even distasteful, is the inevitable fact of death. Yet, the reality has to be faced and the best way to do it is with professional help. No, you don’t have to start planning for the worst yet. There are many ways you can still help a family member with a chronic condition […] Read Full Article »

6 Main Areas of Concern regarding Home Health Care

Home health care nurse and patient

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are six areas of concern for those who enter into a home health care environment. They are: Violence on the job Allergies Musculoskeletal disorders Unsafe conditions Drive-related injuries Needle-sticks and sharp objects injuries Violence on the Job Sadly, violence occurs from varying levels and can cause harm to nurses, family members, patient, or even neighbors. Each home with an invalid has specific conditions which means there is no set formula on how to handle every situation. The home care […] Read Full Article »

How to Promote Self-Esteem in a Senior

Happy Grandpa

Building self-esteem and self-confidence in a senior can be beneficial for everyone that is involved with the senior’s care. When the senior is happy that means that the family member, private caregivers and anyone else involved in their care will receive numerous benefits. The family will be happy because they will know that they have chosen the correct home care service and the service will be happy because they know they are providing quality service to the senior. When one person is happy, everyone is happy. Seniors become vulnerable as […] Read Full Article »

Fall Prevention

Elderly lady fallen on the floor

As we get older, health conditions, physical changes and even sometimes medications can cause a person to fall. Falls in the home are the leading cause of injury among seniors. There are six strategies that can help with the prevention of falls. #1 Talk to your doctor To start making a fall-prevention plan, speak with your doctor. You will need to take a list of all the prescription medications and over-the-counter medication that you are currently taking. The doctor will review your medication to make sure none of them interact […] Read Full Article »

How to Tell If Your Senior is Depressed

elderly depression

Clinical depression in seniors is common. It affects about 6 million people age 65 and older in the United States alone. Out of those 6 million people, only about 10% of them will receive treatment for depression. The most likely reason for this is that older people often display symptoms of depression differently. Depression will often occur with other medical illnesses or disabilities and last longer. Families and doctors may miss the signs of depression because as a person gets older they are expected to slow down. There are signs […] Read Full Article »